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gespage is a website of the Cartadis Company.
1, avenue Louison Bobet Zone des Marais
94120 Fontenay-Sous-Bois FRANCE
Tel : + (33) 01 48 77 40 60
Fax : + (33) 01 48 77 36 47
Website :
General information
Director of publication: M. Chaillat
Site manager: M. Chaillat
Design – Execution: EMENDO communication agency
Hosting : OVH
Conditions for personal data protection
You have the right to access, modify, rectify or delete any personal information (art. 34 of the law «Informatique et Libertés”). To exercise that right, contact us.
The Cartadis Company website is an intellectual work protected by the current legislation. Any kind of use is subject to this website copyrights. Especially, the reproduction of the graphic elements of the site, the full download of the site for his recording to a broadcast medium, and any use of visuals and texts it contains other than for individual and private consultation are prohibited without authorization. The fees for illustrations and photographs contained in this website belong unless stated otherwise, to Cartadis
Photos credits
Photos and illustrations are subject to reserved rights: under EMENDO operating license
Photos and illustrations are subject to reserved rights: under Cartadis operating license
The remaining works (as well as the site) are copyrighted by Cartadis company.
The information published is regularly checked. Cartadis Company accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in this site. To notify any error or request for the rectification of information, please contact us.
Reference links
Law n° 78-17 of January 6th 1978 Law relating to data processing, files and freedom Law of July 29th 1881 Law on freedom of the press Law n° 2000-719 of August 1st 2000 Excerpt from the law dealing with the liability of technical providers