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Gespage version 8.2 available 1 • Gespage

New features

This new version provide the advanced scan features for the eTerminal Toshiba. These functions will be available progressively on the other brands to make easy all the possibilities related to the flow of scans

The new embedded terminals Kyocera take care of the new range of machines on these brands.

You will appreciate also the support of One Drive, Google login and the improvement of Color Quota …

eTerminal Toshiba

New Gespage main menu to be displayed after the login

Gespage version 8.2 available 2 • Gespage

This menu provides shortcuts to Gespage Print, Gespage Scan, MFP Copy, MFP Home menu. He can be disabled through an eTerminal parameter

New Gespage scan menu

Gespage version 8.2 available 3 • Gespage

Scanning destinations are configured through Gespage Flow feature (scan to email, scan to destination, scan to drive). They may differ depending on the user.

Provide a quick scan function (with default settings being displayed) or an advanced scan function (with selection of scanning options)

The eTerminal scanning configuration is set through new Gespage flow advanced scan menus. The destinations can be configured through user group conditions.

eTerminal Kyocera

This version is compatible with all Kyocera models (recent and old). It also incorporates the Swedish language

eTerminal Lexmark

Embed Lexmark Gespage application v6.2.2.0


Add support for OneDrive connector

  • Scan to OneDrive through Gespage Flow
  • Print from OneDrive through Gespage Mobile

User interface

  • It is possible now to use with Gespage the same Login as Google

Advanced features

Color quota : Various improvements

  • Add color credit management for departments
  • Add color quota display in the Popup
  • Add color quota display in the user interface